Work-Study Projects
Looking for a Need-Based Work-Study Grant?
Each year, ISI Abroad offers tens of thousands of dollars for need-based and diversity scholarships, grants, and discounts for promising students hoping to study abroad in Florence and Perugia, Italy. Funds are quickly claimed and fully allocated early in the application process, yet the admissions office continues to receive requests for some form of financial aid from many excellent, deserving candidates. To help expand the funding available, ISI Abroad has created the Work-Study Project program. This program provides funding for qualifying students in exchange for a small project that can be easily performed by students while abroad. These projects not only enhance the study abroad experience and afford students extra funding, but also provide a valuable service for the Institute and help improve the program for future participants.
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Projects and Awards
NOTE: Summer Work Study Amounts are limited to $250-500 regardless of project type.
Ai ChatGPT Project
Award: $500.00-$1500
The AI Work-Study Project at ISI Abroad offers a unique opportunity for students to engage in a cutting-edge initiative. This project involves the research, development, and testing of customized ChatGPT models. Under the guidance of a staff member, students will be involved in the end-to-end process of developing customized ChatGPT models. These models will focus on a variety of topics relevant to students' abroad experience, including pre-departure information, Italian language learning, and other pertinent subjects. This includes programming, training the models with relevant data, and fine-tuning them for accuracy and effectiveness. Students will also be responsible for gathering feedback from users and making necessary adjustments to enhance the performance and user experience. Students will gain hands-on experience in AI and machine learning, including working with natural language processing and chatbot technology. Programming experience a plus but not required.
Student Life Photo Project
Award: $500.00+
No photographic experience or special equipment is necessary – just a smartphone and a good eye for pictures. Recipients are required to submit to the Social Media Marketing Coordinator at least twenty original, digital high-resolution photos (print quality) in five thematic areas of the study abroad experience. They may include themes such as living accommodations, community engagement, academic life and field trips, student life in Florence or Perugia, or travel (Italy and Beyond). Project details and requirements will be provided early in the semester by the Photo Project coordinator.
Social Media Project
Award: $500.00-$750.00+
Provide photos and/or videos for social media posts and a brief descriptive paragraph (including your recommended hashtags) for the ISI Abroad and/or host Institute’s social media platforms, as well as a takeover project about a topic relevant to the student’s experience and interests as well as to the needs of the Institute. The student will be asked to use Canva to create takeover materials (post(s) and stories) that are interactive, engaging, and respond to at least one topic that prospective students typically express interest in throughout the application and pre-departure process.
$500 Award
5+ themed posts
at least 1 story in promotion of each post
1 takeover which involves at least 1 image/video post and 10-15 stories.
$750 Award
5+ themed posts
2 themed video posts (length TBD with the recipient) for Instagram and/or TikTok
at least 2 stories in promotion of each post/video
1 takeover which involves at least 1 image/video post and 10-15 stories.
News/Journalism Project
Award: $500.00-$750.00+
Provide in-depth articles for the ISI Abroad or host Institute News/Blog page and the ISI Abroad Press Release campaign. Submissions may include a piece on the Institute’s community engagement partners, an interview with a professor, fellow students or alumni, or special interest pieces on student life, local cultural events and traditions, etc. Your project advisor will assist you in choosing the topics and in providing the article format and accompanying image requirements.
$500 Award
– 2 themed, in-depth blog articles in categories designed by your Institute’s marketing team, each accompanied by at least one relevant, original image.
– 1 press release article, utilizing journalistic interview tactics, accompanied by at least one relevant, original image.
$750 Award
– 2 press release articles, utilizing journalistic interview tactics, each accompanied by at least one relevant, original image.
– 2 themed, in-depth blog articles in categories designated by your Institute’s marketing team, each accompanied by at least one relevant, original image.
Marketing and Communications Project
Award: $500.00-$750.00+
The recipient will work closely with the dedicated staff member on the creation and execution of its graphic communications & web projects, including its editorial endeavors. For the web, the recipient will study the UI and UX and prepare a report.
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion Project
Award: $750.00+
The recipient will work closely with ISI Abroad’s DEI Officer on a project that promotes Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Access at their host Institute. They could be asked to draft a blog and short guide relevant to a DEI-related topic (ex. budgeting abroad, first-generation abroad, or a guide to pride in Florence) with an accompanying social media post. Alternatively, they may be asked to research scholarships to help ISI Abroad maintain and update its list of DEI scholarships our students may qualify for. Projects vary according to applicant skills and interests, as well as the needs of the host Institute at that time, and the award amount is determined according to the level of work required by an individual project.
Beyond Study Abroad Journal Article Project
Award: $350.00
Create an in-depth article (1200-2000 words) about your personal study abroad experience based on your choice of pedagogical, cross-cultural, impactful, experiential, or observational topics. You will work closely with an experienced international education professional who will help ensure your article is properly prepared for publication. Articles are due at the end of the semester. It’s a fun and educational project and a great resume piece.
Short Advising Video Project
Award: $500.00-$750.00+
The recipient will work closely with ISI Abroad’s Marketing & Admissions teams to create an outline, collect footage, and edit a short video that can be used for advising purposes. This video can answer any pre-departure advising question as agreed between ISI Abroad and the recipient (ex. How do I stay in shape while in Italy? Is it easy to travel on weekends? What is housing like? etc.). Professional video experience is not needed. Instead, the focus is on a student creating a YouTube-, Instagram-, and possibly TikTok-friendly video that answers common pre-departure questions from a student perspective. The higher award is granted when the recipient commits to preparing two short videos, with the precise length of each video being determined by the needs of the project.
Work-Study Projects are a great way to secure funding for study abroad, provide a valuable service for future participants, and gain a greater appreciation for your international experience. It’s a great resume addition, too!
All funds are paid directly to you, the student,
at the start of the semester or summer session!

Interested in Learning More?
Contact us to discuss which work-study grant is right for you.